Instruction and Evaluation

Each UTRtek D.I.R. course is divided into two parts. The first leads to the obtaining of the Trained To DIR level license which is a necessary condition to enroll the DIR part of the course. Obtaining the Trained To DIR license, which has no expiration date, still enables the depth of reference of the course, but doesn't allow access to subsequent or more advanced courses.

Once the Trained To DIR license has been obtained, it's possible to start the part that leads to the UTRtek DIR certificate. As for the first part, also this second will be carried out with the reference instructor who will guide the students to the final evaluation.

The DIR system is, by definition, a team system where the individual is only one member of the team. Therefore, also courses and evaluations are based on obtaining that grop amalgamation that will then make the difference. Hence the need to set up, for the DIR part, evaluations only for groups rather than for individual divers. The DIR evaluations are carried out every four months or on request and, in order to maintain a single evaluation standard, free from the always possible, even if certainly not desired, influences dictated by the knowledge of the students developed during the Trained To DIR and DIR courses, the evaluation for obtaining the DIR level certificate will not be carried out by the instructor himself, but by a third party examiner who will have the task of appreciating his work through the result of the group.

The primary purpose of the team is to provide greater security by addressing and resolving difficulties and possible problems as a single entity. In this sense, the first difficulty that the team faces is evaluation, which at the same time becomes a tool for cohesion. This is more true for the instructors who will then be evaluated each time together with the group they present.

Given the continuous evultation and refinement of underwater techniques, unlike the Trained To Dir licenses, the DIR certifications are valid for two years. Therefore, the maintenance of the DIR status is subject to the participation of the biennial update. This guarantees the continuous raising of the level of security, confidence and ability of the diver.